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Fixed Nation Speaks Out!


Jen B., Maryland

This has been life changing for me, and I have to thank you for the accelerator experience. I think it was extremely beneficial to be paired in a small group and to have your personal messaging and education to get through those initial 21 days.  I have achieved my first target of 20 lbs, putting me at lower risk for heart disease ❤ It has been easy to follow, I have sustained energy throughout the day without crashes and am rarely hungry. I'm super happy with my progress, but moreso its something I can see sustaining for a long time.    This has been an extraordinary education!

Autumn, Maryland

I am finishing week 3 of the accelerator program with Dr. Erin. What a change in my life! My skin and eyes are clear and bright, I sleep like a rock and wake up alert instead of groggy. The weight has been melting off! My daughter noticed how much happier I am, not just from the weight loss but I feel so much better overall. I have so much energy! Who knew this gem (Dr.Erin) was right in my backyard. I’m so thankful to have met her!!     

Michele W., New York

The scale is moving in the right direction, my headaches are gone, my skin is glowing, I'm no longer foggy or sluggish, sleeping like a rock star, my overall mood is better and the BIGGEST benefit: my kids told me they are proud of me for deciding to turn my health around.  They are going to start low carb too!  Thank you for this amazing program, all the education, and the way it's presented.  You are a true life saver!

Robin, Virginia

You have changed my life for the better.  Exactly the adjustment I needed to support a healthy lifestyle in my 60's and beyond!   

Scott, Denver

One year ago had 2 stents put in my heart. Since joining EHFix I have lost 50 pounds, I have way more energy, and my knee and lower back pain are gone! The constant feedback and input from Dr Erin is incredible and pushes you to success! I

highly recommend EHFix!

Jill S., Maryland

You teach such great tools for making choices.  I have been on a million "diets", you name it!  THIS really feels like a lifestyle, not a diet, and I do not feel deprived.  I feel great! 

Angie, Delaware

I now have a bunch of friends interested in your amazing program.  When the people I work with see my results, they all start eating like me which is great. My mother only follows me a little and the doctor already took her off 3/4 of her MetFormin.  My husband is a shining star. He was a carbaholic and he is down 36lbs and at least 2 pant sizes. I am down almost 20 and the best is when people are making fun of me because my pants are so droopy. I am so happy now and have way more energy. I just took my grandson camping and went to Jellystone. We ran around the water park all day and I even went down the water slide and wore shorts. Way outside my comfort zone but didn’t feel awkward at all. I also bought the cookbook as soon as I got the email. Thank you so much for introducing me to a healthier lifestyle. 

Patrice, New York

So many times I wanted to reach out during this last week to tell you how grateful I am and how thankful I am to you for sharing this immense amount of knowledge with us. I am so happy that I will be living the second half of my life with more knowledge and understanding of the importance of nutrition and how it plays a role in our health. I look forward to your text messages because they're filled with so much information, things that I may have known but forgot but mostly things that never really even registered with me about nutrition. -Patrice, New York

Patrick, New York

I went to see my cardiologist in week 2-he couldn't believe the changes!  He cut my carvedilol in half and took me off the water pill. My BP was normal.   My diabetic numbers in the morning have been bad for a long time, from 140 - 250, yesterday it was 90, pretty cool.   I've lost two belt hole sizes, l feel great, lot's of energy now and I'm never hungry, never!   I'm very happy with the changes you have explained to us, that whole explanation about insulin resistance and time between meals really helps me to understand how I have to think about my c healthy choices.  Thx Dr. Erin! 

Sharon S., Maryland

This plan changed my life! I needed to learn how to balance nutrition and this is what you are teaching. I have never seen this before!! Amazing ! Love 💕 this program, as well as the continued support. I can reach out anytime for a reboot of this plan and continuous support. Thank you!  

Michele T., Maryland

I don't miss anything!  I am done with feeling terrible because of poor food decisions!  I am on a mission to feel great everyday and this program is working to make that a reality.

Amy S., Maryland

My husband and I are doing this together and we both feel the difference! I have been enjoying simple, healthy food and my energy level is through the roof.  My clothes feel so much better and I feel so much better about myself!

Adam, Maryland
(full disclosure: my husband❤️)

thx Dr. Erin.  gr8 to see the science behind LC.  you've forever changed me for the better.  I run 35lbs leaner and my body composition improves daily.  starting to think of carbs as a toxin and am happy to keep away from them.  as a former lover of bagels and pizza, this is some achievement.  thx for all the help & encouragement. 

Maureen, Maryland

We have learned new eating habits and continue to explore and make healthier diet choices that have become our new normal.   The program has been beneficial and has reinforced why we should eat smarter as we enter our retirement years.

Lisa, Maryland

Dr. Erin you have turned all I have learned and studied regarding nutritional practices upside down.  The lessons and practices are simple, logical, and attainable.  It's obvious now that when it comes to health our society is broken.  Thank you for the eye opening education!  I feel energized and all around great!               

Venessa, Virginia

This is the real deal! If want to drastically improve your life in every way, sign up!. Dr. Erin will be with you every step of the way to guide, educate and encourage you on your journey for a better you! This is the very BEST program out there!! I am brand new, pain free(from my rheumatoid arthritis & fibromyalgia), full of energy and the queen of positivity! I also lost those miserable Corona 10 (lbs) brought to you by Netflix and Betty Crocker! It’s a win WIN!

Send her a message, learn what it’s all about! I promise it will be the best thing you have ever done for yourself! 

Erin F., Maryland

Dr. Erin, I cannot thank you enough for these 3 weeks of information.  I no longer gravitate toward sweets in the grocery store.  My palate is truly changing and I am drawn to healthy foods now.  All the non-scale victories are awesome!  I have more mental clarity, my skin looks brighter and overall I just feel better eating this way.

Colleen, Maryland

To say that this has been beneficial is an understatement.  THIS HAS BEEN LIFE CHANGING!   I knew I was overweight, but ignored it because I wasn't on any meds.  Boy was I wrong! The results after just 21 days are SIMPLY AMAZING! I have way more energy and I am a happier person!  I love that it not only had a positive effect on me but also those around me! 

Marylee, Florida
(full disclosure: my mother❤️)

Yes everyone needs to listen to your message. I really believe that the healthy person comes from a supportive family: EHFix is a wonderful family!

You are giving your clients the skills & tools to eat the right foods and create healthy habits. You show them how to put the effort in to feel good about their own lifestyles!

Love you Dr. Erin

Fran, New York

Never did I think I could overcome my craving for carbs; nor did I think I had an addiction.  But after going through the EHFix program, I realize I truly have been addicted.  Within 4 days of the program I was able to control my carb addiction and have improved my eating habits.  It was surprisingly easy for me.  I have been able to drop one blood pressure medication and significantly reduce a second one so far.  Thank you Erin for helping me to be healthier though your ongoing support and nutrition/health education. 

Megan, Delaware

Having tried many other diet and weight loss programs (read: Weight Watchers, Noom, Arbonne, Herbalife, Shakeology, Legion Transformation, etc.) I discovered they all work, but what wasn't falling into place for me was the sustainability of each of their models. Erin's program gave me education, support, control, and most of all hope. I found myself justifying the way I looked in the mirror, despite knowing that I wasn't serving my body as well as I could be, especially in light of hereditary health problems possibly looming in my future. With Erin's program - I know what I am putting into my body, I know why I am doing this, and I know what will happen. I am able to make informed decisions every step of the way! This has truly added to my life and happiness as I have continued to achieve weight loss goals, find more energy, and feel better in my own skin. This has been something that has been easy to integrate into my lifestyle and I am the better for it.

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Ingrid, Maryland

Dr. Erin, you have changed a lot of peoples lives for the better. I am forever grateful for the knowledge.  I will send anyone who  wants to become straight to you. Thank you for this opportunity!

 I have never looked and felt better. My before and after photos are getting better and better (almost got my beach body)!

Sharon G., Maryland

I love the accelerator plan as it helped me break free of the bad habits and I had the help of the group to keep me accountable. In three weeks time I was sleeping better, had more energy and my psoriasis on my scalp cleared up! As I progressed and then started the fasting program I really started seeing the excess weight melt off!

Wendy, New Jersey

Thanks for helping me understand the science. It's all resonating!  I am feeling great and excited to continue the journey toward better health and reaching my weight loss goals. 

Andy, Delaware

Thank you Dr. Erin for introducing this new healthy way to eat.  It makes us more aware that we are what we eat and it's up to us to improve and protect ourselves from disease caused by food.  Still a ton to learn about our body reactions...  

Judy, Ohio

Thank you for everything, Erin.  This course has been transformational...I lost 2 inches off my waist in 3 weeks and was never hungry! Changed my life! Erin is amazing!  She lost the weight herself and is helping so many others do it too!

Denise, Delaware

Dr. Erin, Thank you, thank you. It has been truly life changing. 

😊🙃 I learned plenty- beyond my expectations. . Thank you for your vision & willingness to make a difference !! You are appreciated 💕

It’s been a true challenge to set out on this path where the benefits are wonderful & overwhelming in scope ! Thank you again!

Ingrid, Maryland



Ashley, Delaware

It's a journey for sure; one I'm so glad I started!  I'm also thankful to have the encouragement and support along the way.  I have to do it in steps as I have trouble prioritizing myself, but will get there. I ran 5 miles yesterday and it felt better than it ever has!  19 hour fast today and my goal is to do the 24 hour fast tomorrow!  Keeping after it!  Thanks, Erin for sharing all your knowledge. I'm sure I'll be back for another round of Evolution so I can keep taking pieces of it and applying them to my life. Here's to a lifetime ahead of better and better health! 

Joan, Pennsylvania

Thanks Dr. ERIN for your continued support and am looking forward to continuing my journey and living a good healthy life. This journey will take u where u want to go u just have to keep the faith and believe in yourself!

Mark, Maryland

Thank you Dr. Erin.  I appreciate you taking the time to technically explain WHY this matters and how your body works.  It had a great impact on me. I am really seeing the positive gains.  I cannot thank you enough!

Amy, Maryland

Thank you Dr. Erin! This has been fantastic! I'm more motivated than ever and loving the way I feel!  This really helped me understand my weight loss journey and take my low carb lifestyle to the next level!"

Sue, Florida

At 72 years old I have learned so much. I wish I had started eating low carb years ago.  Feeling energized, down 15 pounds, and keeping it off easily.  Planning on jumping into fasting next! Excited!

Angie, Delaware

"I still cannot believe how much weight I have lost in a matter of months. I am so over the moon excited about how amazing I feel.  I love walking and being active now.  In the past my shins and joints would ache so bad.  I have so many friends that are going to sign up.  It's incredible!

Marion, Maryland

I loved all of this!  Super motivating information to keep going!"

Deanne, Maryland

Love my wellness experience with Emergency Health Fix. It’s been almost 7 months and I’m stronger, leaner, bye-bye joint pain and angry belly pain. What really works is the daily texting program and team support. And, all the advice specific to your needs is given under the direction of Dr. Erin. She knows her stuff.



Cyndi, Maryland

MOMENTUM  has so much more information! what a great class! Love that you care and want to help us be a healthier self!

Marilyn, New York

MOMENTUM was the BEST YET! It's really working for me at this stage in the process!"

Sharon, Maryland

MOMENTUM is great information! I'm enjoying the changes and getting leaner! Thank you Dr. Erin, always love to learn the best way to get healthy, starting with nutrition!"

Michele, Maryland

 I love MOMENTUM!  Accelerator was my first love, but then Superhuman came into my life and taught me all of the refinements needed to become an even leaner and happier me! This took me to the next level. My body is getting stronger everyday. I don’t workout for hours everyday, 30 mins is all I need, but everything I do in the gym now shows progress because of the proper diet I follow.

I am on the EHFix train and NEVER getting off!



Judy, Ohio

I'm doing pre and post holiday FASTS guided by my med school classmate and fellow ED Doc, Erin Reardon, through Emergency Health Fix.  I've lost 6% of my body weight which is tough to do when you're a carb addict with zero will power.  She's helped me find new ways of eating that are satisfying, empowering, and healthy.  My husband Todd has lost double the weight just following my lead!   

Jen B., Maryland

I have tremendous energy and most of the above, however I'll add another big one for me: sleep quality. I'm getting up with the sun, my natural clock, which I haven't done in years, and I wake feeling rested and energized. I'm getting less total hours but much more restful sleep. 😴 

Liz, New Jersey

I’ve learned so much through these fasts! I have started to regularly fast between 14-16 hours every day and feel great! Taking what I learned from  accelerator and adding it to this info, has been super helpful and insightful! Thank you Dr. Erin! Looking forward to taking this new found perspective with me for the long haul. Here’s to your health, ladies!!!!

Cyndi, Maryland

FASTING seemed daunting at the beginning.  Now I know from experience, it's all about the healing and cleansing.  Gives me a fresh start and makes me more aware of what I put in my mouth.  Doing it together and being educated about the science invaluable and really motivating!   



Nora, Georgia

I love learning in such a straightforward way, with direct language (yay for inserting humor) & love the group interaction. I always thought I preferred a private, anonymous approach, but found I was just hiding. I love the group support, story telling, & connections made... it feels like I've just expanded my friend circle!

Deanne, Maryland

Dr Erin's positive cheerleading and real solutions are available at all times.  She makes herself available to the LIVE VIP members day and night. I enjoy learning about improving my health, mind, body, and spirit.

LIVE is like taking a college course in health, wellness and nutrition!

Michele, Maryland

LIVE is the best! I've been here since it's inception. It has become an amazing group of friends who all share the same healthy goals. We pick each other up when we need it and are here to celebrate every wonderful step. The deeper knowledge we get of how everything from stress to our environment  affects us is amazing. It's like having a therapist in our pockets. Thank you for starting this amazing program! 💕💕💕

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