We’ve just completed the first of six group fasts in our Group Holiday Fasting Program, and it's been an incredible start. With five more fasts to go, there's still time for you to join us on this journey...
Fasting is a safe, effective, and scientifically backed strategy for weight loss and improvement in overall wellness.
We've designed this program to guide you through every step.
Fasting is one of the quickest ways to reset, heal, and sculpt your body, providing real health benefits that have stood the test of time.
Take a listen to my FB LIVE Summary Discussion from our first fast!! We learned 30+ Secrets of Fasting together!!
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/8QbE3zcImf8?si=Rd1RLQNtxEiSTiuf
Here are just a few of the highlights from this discussion:
Fast to Heal and Sculpt: Fasting isn't just for weight loss—it's a powerful way to encourage your body to repair and rejuvenate, giving you a natural glow and boosting overall wellness.
Timing is Key: The timing of your fast can shape your experience. Different fasting windows offer unique benefits, and we explore which works best for each individual.
Prepping with Nutrient-Dense Foods: Preparation is essential. Nourishing your body well in the days leading up to a fast helps you feel strong and ready.
Recovery with Quality Nutrients: After each fast, we focus on replenishing with nutrient-rich foods that amplify the health benefits we’ve gained.
Low-Carb Eaters Fast with Ease: Sticking to low-carb eating helps our bodies switch into fat-burning mode faster, making fasting smoother and more effective.
Practice Makes Perfect: Those who practice intermittent fasting find longer fasts more manageable. Building up your fasting practice is key to making it sustainable.
Mindset Matters: Having a positive outlook on fasting is essential. We focus on the healing power of fasting to keep ourselves motivated and centered.
Preparation is Key: Practical steps like cooking ahead, clearing out perishables, and having salt and hydrating options like broth on hand make the experience more enjoyable.
Support is Essential: Fasting as a team helps keep us accountable and motivated. Sharing this journey with others brings strength, encouragement, and a sense of community.
Focus on Your Goals: Our fasting team is dedicated to long-term benefits like better skin, improved energy, mood enhancement, weight loss, longevity, and even reversing metabolic syndrome. These goals, combined with the support of our group, keep us all inspired.
In addition to these benefits, fasting helps us reset our relationship with food, making every meal afterward taste better and nourishing our bodies in new ways.
It also encourages us to think about those in need and reflect on the true nature of hunger. We learn alot about TRUE hunger and hunger control with the team!
If you’re ready to transform your health and join a supportive community, there’s no better time to start.
Our teams are excited to welcome new members, and with five more fasts to go, you’ll have plenty of time to enjoy the many benefits fasting has to offer!
Here's the link to jump on board: https://ehfix.samcart.com/products/fallfasting
And HEY!! Make sure to tune in to Emergency Health Fix LIVE on FB this November, Wednesdays at NOON for more FREE EDUCATION and a chance to WIN MONEY!!
❤️Dr. Erin
