Having an accountability partner is vitally important for long term success with making healthy habits stick! WHY? Because we are better at protecting the health of our friends and family than our own health!! And those who love YOU will reflect the same concern back!
Wellness accountability partners help each other set and maintain goals for diet, exercise, and overall well-being. Knowing someone else is watching you — and vice versa — raises the bar and makes it more difficult to slack off with healthy eating and activities.
Research shows sharing your ACTUAL progress through data with a trainer, coach, or ANYONE who encourages you is the KEY to making accountability work. Don't just say you are eating healthy- send a picture of your healthy meal to your partner! Don't just take a walk- measure your steps, take pics, and invite a friend! Share pictures of your weight loss progress, your new healthy activities, and your new outfits! Share meal plans and party strategies, ideas for making it through the holidays, etc.
Are you interested in the ACCOUNTABILITY numbers? We all know there is increased odds of doing something when you have set a date with someone and have a plan in place, right?? Still, these numbers may SHOCK you! Check this out:
Researchers have found that individuals have the following probabilities of completing a goal by taking these actions:
Having an idea or goal: 10% likely to complete the goal
Consciously deciding that you will do it: 25%
Deciding when you will do it: 40%
Planning how to do it: 50%
TELLING someone that you will do it: 65%
Having a specific accountability appointment with someone you’ve committed to: 95% WOW!
Does this partnering strategy sound familiar? It should!! This is the SUCCESS MODEL for all EHFix Programs!! Emergency Health Fix programs offer education AND accountability partnering ALL IN ONE!
I'm so happy to have created this partnering network that helps you get started! Still, I can't be everyone's best partner. That's why I constantly encourage you to build YOUR OWN healthy network. It's important to have even just ONE close partner in health. Your partner does not have to be nearby, related to you, or even human! Pets that rely on us to show up as our best selves daily make fantastic partners!

Caution! Choose your partner(s) carefully. You don't want an accountability partner who is overly critical. The whole point is to give them the information they need to encourage you and bolster you up when you struggle. It makes sense to have goals that align with your partner. However, if you are looking to IMPROVE your health, consider partnering with someone who has already achieved a greater level of health and fitness and understands the stages you are passing through. Having a partner BOTH BEHIND AND IN FRONT of you is often the BEST model for success! This is why so many of my clients take to COACHING the next recruits! We are more careful when we are showing OTHERS how to do it!
Do you need a fitness partner?? EHFix can help you!

As an EHFix member you are always welcome to join me and my morning ZOOM team! We train M-F at 7:30 am and S-S @ 8 am EST. Our team members are working on ALL LEVELS of fitness and range in age from tots to grandparents! We practice all different types of healthy movement together. Email me to request the invite and get the calendar for the month: erinmd@emergencyhealthfix.com
If you are looking for max accountability, join the EHFix SWAT Team! SWAT Team members pay a monthly subscription to keep connected to me and each other EVERYDAY. As members, they receive daily supportive education that helps them continue to make great decisions and stay on track. The SWAT Team meets LIVE on ZOOM twice monthly for discussion. Once monthly, the team has a ZOOM workshop session which provides a chance to get to know your teammates and solve problems together. Live sessions are taped for later viewing by members.
Finally, you can find more support by simply following Emergency Health Fix on Facebook or Instagram. Free low carb education and lifestyle tips are posted often. Use the hashtag #ehfix to find me and other EHFix friends out there online.
February at EHFix is Partner Up month! Make sure to invite a friend and increase the chances you'll BOTH get healthy!