The majority of clients who start my nutrition program are primarily interested in weight loss. They get excited about the initial huge swing created by water loss in week one of ACCELERATOR. Then, almost daily after week one, I receive an email from someone who is growing more and more frustrated with their scale as they see numbers stagnate, or even worse, go up!! Reactions I receive range from tears to horror to full blown panic in week two! So let's talk about how to get down off that ledge.
You are not in control of your own body (not yet!)- your brain is! The process of switching from using primarily carbohydrates for fuel to primarily protein and fat is a HUGE undertaking for your brain. You are forcing the FAT OUT of your fat cells. The brain perceives this as a threat to your existence. Some of that FAT has been stored for 20 or more years! The initial shock to your system can be GREAT! This stress can raise all the RED FLAGS in your body's alert system (cortisol access) and cause results to go into hiding for some time. There is part of your brain that believes it can just "wait it out" through the CARB DROUGHT (after all-- this strategy has never failed!) Your own anxiety about the process adds more stress. My clients with the most stress and anxiety about losing weight or stress about life in general (they tend to be one in the same) have the most difficult time making progress. Stop worrying and just focus on learning. Roll with the process. Don't fight it!
You daily weight fluctuates constantly. We are all heavier at the end of the day than when we awake. This is simply because we have added food and drink all day to our guts. If the food you ate has sugar (carbs) or salt it will retain water. WATER is heavy! Don't sweat the small up and downs that happen along the way. Keep plotting your trajectory over weeks and months to ensure you are heading in the right direction.
Consider not even using the scale as a measure of improved health. We talk about the other indicators of good health all the time during the process. If you wake up feeling rested with a positive outlook on life that's your first indicator that your diet is supporting your brain health. There are always some initial bumps in the road, but over time you should note your skin and hair looks healthier, your eyes shine brighter, your nails have strengthened, your attitude has improved, you are sleeping better, you have less aches and pains, and your bowel movements are regular. Your system is coming back to life! You will also slowly notice your appearance in the mirror is improving, clothing and belt sizes are dropping, and you can see and feel muscles that have been in hiding popping out here and there. This change may appear so gradual that it is often with the swapping of clothes at the change of seasons that we suddenly realize we have made a leap forward!
I place people in groups for extra support. You are all going through a similar process, but your experience will be unique to you. Some of you start my program needing to lose 250 pounds, some need to lose 80, some 10. You are EXPECTED to lose at different rates. No matter how much weight you have to lose, you all go through the same adjustment period caused by sugar withdrawal and then fat adaptation. Don't compare your weight loss to others. In general, the more you have to lose the quicker your initial loss will be. If you have tons of EXTRA FAT your brain does not stress about allowing some to slip away. The closer you get to ideal, the tougher it will be. Have no fear, we will continue adding the necessary tools to your toolbox.
Managing stress is important for weight loss and your overall health. Start setting time aside each day to honor your own struggle. Be kind to your body as it passes through some tough transitions. Meditation daily for even just 5 minutes helps tremendously with stress management. Daily exercise can be a form of moving meditation that has the added benefit of improving the health of your heart, lungs, muscles, and bones. Maybe treat yourself to a new pair of sneakers. Schedule a massage. Have lunch with a thoughtful friend. Write in a journal. Take the difficulty out of your new lifestyle by planning meals ahead or repeating the meals you love. Most importantly, talk to your family and friends about your goals seriously and ask them to support you. Sharing your health knowledge can benefit the people you love and benefit you in return.
