Christmas came and went… And it was wonderful! I got to spend time with my family and see many of my friends. There were parties and lights and music and laughter. I ate A L L the food and drank A L L the drinks as we reminisced and created new memories! I had plenty of low carb options at my party including the special keto PB bombs made by Maureen (I'm lying, I hid those and devoured those myself!). But, good intentions marched straight out the door as the cookies invaded! I caved all too willingly to my favorites, buckeyes made by Suzie and mint chocolate chip cookies made by Joyce. Washed them down with the special eggnog (and a little bailey's, beer, and fireball to boot as we karaoke'd the carols!👀) YES! It was a joyous weekend overall! But yesterday and today I'm feeling a bit of a slump. I feeling exhausted, achy all over, unmotivated, lazy, moody, puffy, bloated, and more than a bit self-loathing. Did I mention I feel exhausted and gross... just not feeling like the best version of me right now. It seems I have lost virtually ALL of my SUPERPOWERS😒.
WHAT HAPPENED? WE BOTH KNOW! It’s that damn SUGAR! My KRYPTONITE!!! I let down my guard and now I feel like crap! I feel like an angry, lazy teenager! (Wow!! There's a TRUTH BOMB to unpack! — are teenagers jerks because of their hormones or is that attitude just due to the incredibly crappy diet they consume regularly??…. I digress). SUGAR!! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! I love it and I HATE IT! Am I MAD at myself? NOPE! Of all the cruddy things I feel, there is one thing I DO NOT feel: GUILT! If I had to choose, I most likely would do it all again. Although, perhaps I would do SOME things a little different--like getting the cookies out of reach a little bit sooner after the holiday was over. I carried on eating terribly through until last night-addiction!! Today, the cleanup STARTS! I’m not talking about this hurricane of a house- that will take weeks! I'm talking about ME PERSONALLY! I need to seriously FIX myself! Does that mean I killed myself in my morning workout?? No! A little exercise this morning was the EASY part. Everyone runs to the exercise first 🙄. THE REAL WORK comes in DUMPING the sugar habit!
The best of cookies have already been frozen and gifted away. The rejects were tossed in the garbage at 6 am (and pushed to the bottom!) Candy was dumped. The rest of the eggnog got poured down the drain.... Jumpstart anyone?? Who’s with me!!
Today, I go running back in the direction of my normal, healthy, low-carb diet to rescue myself!. Eggs for breakfast will be a good start! It may take me a few days to get back on track, but that's fine. I just want to feel better. I had a great Christmas and I'm looking forward now to a very healthy New Year's start! I’ll be leading my post-Christmas fasting group later this week!! That will definitely help tie up any "loss of control" loose ends! For New Year's Eve, I'm definitely going to tone it down. And for Valentine’s Day, I'm already thinking I will skip the chocolates and opt for a nice dinner and some flowers instead! 😁
It's all about balance everyone!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you! Let's get EVEN HEALTHIER together this coming year!