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Dr. Erin makes herself available to every EHFix client through her INTERACTIVE LIVE VIRTUAL programs and teams.


But sometimes, you may just be looking for some PERSONAL ATTENTION to detail.  Dr. Erin can assist you in  troubleshooting your current diet and exercise regimen or help you design a completely personalized plan. 


Here are some of the reasons you may want to consider a 1:1 Zoom consultation:

-You are looking for a more personalized plan or approach to your meals  

-You're not sure what EHFix program you should choose

-You need assistance with your medications or medical problems 

-You want to review recent bloodwork or recommendations from your doctor

-you're not sure if EHFix is a good fit for you

-you would like to recalculate your healthy indicators and create new goals

-you have alot of dietary restrictions or allergies to work around

-you have a special athletic event and need to strategize eating and workouts

-you need help with creating an exercise regimen specific to your needs, body type, or goals

-you had a health event or hospitalization you want to review

-you want to discuss strategies to ramp up your progress with weight loss or muscle gain


You will receive an email when you sign up to assist you with setting up a ZOOM meeting. Contact Dr. Erin via email: with any questions.

Personal Consultation


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