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YAY!  We'd love for you to attend!

Fill out the form below so we can get an idea of where you're at in your health journey. After you fill out this form, you'll be able to schedule a call with a member of my team to get your questions answered and any other information you need.

Tell Us About Your Needs

What is the #1 goal for your health right now?
On a scale of 1-5, how supportive is your significant other when it comes to your health goals?
How much have you invested over your lifetime in your personal health and wellness? (i.e. books, courses, diet plans, gym memberships,coaches, doctors appointments, specialists, weight loss sugery, medications, etc.)
Do you have the financial resources available to invest in yourself and your health goals?
Yes - Totally ready to invest in my health
Maybe - I may need to look into financing opportunities
I have very limited financial resources and do not want to finance
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